SantaThingSantaThing Entry #42

LibraryThing member Goodlit

Book tastes

contemporary, literary fiction, stories about relationships (of all kinds), social justice, mystery, political criticism, social commentary, reflections on humanity

Don't get this!

horror, dystopian, nonfiction, chicklit, thriller, romance, western, speculative, fantasy, science fiction, magical realism

Secret Santa

Goodlit's Secret Santa was joyjohnston!

Purchasing Details

Store: Powell's (

Gift Amount: $50 (USD)


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katemcangus: checked and ordered (Dec 7, 2023, 10:44am)
beyondthefourthwall: 'Letter to a Stranger' edited by Colleen Kinder. 'Lurking' by Joanne McNeil. (Nov 8, 2023, 7:42am)